Friday, September 26, 2008

Just a Friday!

Right now is a little tough on me. I still havent found a job and im not supposed to stress my body out. Im determined to get a good job and work my butt off and make some money so I can spoil my little girl like she deserves and take care of her and give her the best life ever!!! Got some interviews going so just wish me luck and we'll see where things go.

I just got to keep my head up and not give up!

So I havent really kept up on here with belly pics. I mostly just had them on my myspace but for those who dont have myspace here is how you can see me and hear my updates.

This is one of the first pics I took of my belly as it was growing! Here I am fourteen weeks. This is about the time that my "Morning Sickness" was dying down and I noticed my tummy getting a little roundness.
Here in this pic I am seventeen weeks. "Morning Sickness" completely gone and I have started to feel what they call butterflies/movement. To me tho it felt more like Colt's favorite type of fighting called "Ong Buck" which you fight the person with your elbows and knees. Lol.
Here at nineteen weeks we have discovered that we are having a little girl who will be named Stokley Cienna Davis! The ultrasound was quite entertaining to watch as she kicked and turned and posed her cute lil self all over the screen for us to see. We also discovered that mommy aka me, is suffering from what they call "Round ligament pain" which is just my muscles stretching and because I am a smaller girl I just feel it more than say someone with more meat on their bones. Its not horrible its just a stretching sensation along my bikini line.
At twenty weeks nothing really new to report. Been having some "Braxton hicks" but pretty much everything going smoothly.
And here we are tonight at 22 weeks and four days I guess you would say. I feel her all the time but especially at night; she must be a night owl like her momma lol. My friend Amber who just had her adorable lil boy Jayden in July (who will be Stok's future boy toy lol) she told me that if you drink Orange juice in the morning than it wakes them up so they will be more active in the day and rest at night like mommy wants her to. I wonder if this routine will stick when she comes out; so that she is more active in the daytime and more tired at night. Most likely not, but hey a mom can have hope!

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